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It has been a challenging year, but one thing that hasn't changed is taxes. Fortunately, businesses remain eligible for certain deductions. Click through to read about deadlines for key provisions that pertain to your business.


Accounts receivables are the bane of businesses even in good financial times. Now, in this difficult times, managing account receivables is more important than ever. Click through to learn how to take control of cash flow.
There's no single formula to learn how to work at home, and the practical and cultural issues in each company will make a difference. However, there are some generalities. Click through to learn how to become an efficient and happy online employee.


When you sell a capital asset, the sale results in either a capital gain or capital loss. The government wants a full accounting, and the rules are complicated. Click through to learn what you have to report on Schedule D of Form 1040.
Have a memorable Thanksgiving! Wishing you the happiness of good friends, the joy of family and the abundance of the holiday season. Click through for a special Thanksgiving greeting.

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