Newsletter – May 11, 2022
May 12, 2022 | Newsletter
Does the fear of receiving a notice from the Internal Revenue Service regarding an audit keep you awake at night? Click through for insight into how you can avoid an IRS audit.


On March 9, 2022, President Biden signed an executive order (EO) entitled “Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets.” Click through to learn more about what the executive order on cryptocurrencies means and what it says about how the government views cryptocurrencies.
The depreciation tax break can be nice, but it’s one of the more complicated parts of the tax code. It’s easy to make a mistake, as the IRS draws some fine lines. Click through for the details so you neither violate the rules nor leave money on the table.


You’ve heard of outsourcing accounting, payroll, IT, and marketing — but outsourcing your chief financial officer? It may sound outlandish, but this could very well be the solution that you need. Click through to give your business access to financial expertise and related best practices.
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